Wednesday, November 2, 2011 at 9:40PM

2.1. A carver who wins two Best of Shows in the Novice level at any participating IWCA Show or Competition will be advanced to the Intermediate level at the end of that calendar year. Two Best of Shows only applies when there are 10 or more entries in the division.

2.2. A carver who wins two Best of Shows in the Intermediate level at any participating IWCA Show or Competition will be advanced to the Open level at the end of that calendar year.


2.3. A carver may elect at any time to move up in level. Once a carver has voluntarily advanced to the next level of competition, that carver may not re-enter at the former lower level.

2.4. IWCA will review a challenged carver’s level and may re-vise the assigned level as a result of that review.

2.5. A carver’s level is the same for birds and fish.

2.6. For Decoy Carvers (non-decorative): Decoy carvers that have attained the Open level in decorative carving or won two best of shows as an open level decoy carver, may not drop down a level when competing in the decoy divisions (IWCA Style, Working, Canvas, Shorebirds). However, a decoy carver who has not attained decorative open class or is an open decoy carver, may elect to enter at the Novice, Intermediate, Novice / Intermediate, or Amateur divisions. Once two best of shows have been won, the carver must advance to the next level.

2.7. A carver may submit a request to IWCA asking to be set back one level, if the carver feels he/she has been advanced to a level in which he/she feels he/she is not qualified to compete. The IWCA determination will be final.

Article originally appeared on IWCA - Promoting Wildfowl Carving Worldwide (
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