6.1. Judges must have a copy of, have read and under-stand, and judge by the published rules of each IWCA Show.
6.2. Judges will examine all entries hands-on before making their selections.
6.3. Judges will not communicate with anyone other than assigned judges, clerks, show chairman, and / or an IWCA representative while in judging area.
6.4. Judges are not allowed to enter a carving in the level he or she is judging.
6.5. Judges will not allow personal feelings or personal con tact with the carvers to influence their decision during the judging procedure.
6.6. Judges will be fair and objective.
6.7. Judges will not judge a relative’s carvings or students’ carvings which he or she has hands-on work experience or given instruction.
6.8. Taxidermists cannot judge carvings done from the taxidermist’s mounts.