11.1. Entries must be durable in construction and able to hold up under hunting conditions.
11.2. Decoys will be placed in the tank with their bottoms up. When the decoy is released, it must self-right with the exception that geese and swans must self-right from their side. Final judging will be at a minimum distance of twenty feet with pre-qualification prior to the birds being placed in the water. The judges will do both final and pre-qualification judging.
11.3. A decoy that checks, splits, takes on water, and/or has paint deterioration at any time prior to the completion of all decoy judging will be disqualified and forfeit any awards said decoy was awarded. All decoys in the disqualified decoy’s species and category would be re-ordered, so as to move up one place, i.e., second becomes first, third becomes second. There will not be a third place decoy ordered up since the species would have to be re-ordered as well as the whole category re-judged.
11.4. Decoys must have a facility for an anchor line.
11.5. Painting will be simple in style. Combing, stippling, brushing, ragging, scratching, flocking or blending is allowed.
11.6. Texturing by means of paint or paste is allowed.
11.7. Eyes are optional.
11.8. No restrictions on the bill.
11.9. No fragile parts allowed.
11.10. The body, excluding the bottom, must be completely covered with canvas or other material. The tail on Pintails and Long-tailed Ducks only may be left uncovered.
11.11. The body must be constructed of canvas over wire frame or canvas over wood slat frame. No Styrofoam bodies.
11.12. Workmanship is a major factor in this division, e.g., tight material covering with as few seams as possible.
11.13. Decoys will be judged in hand for workmanship and durability. Final judging will be from a minimum distance of twenty feet for essence of species and how well they float and project.
11.14. Categories for judging will be as follows: Puddle ducks, diving ducks, sea ducks, geese and confidence. Species level will be at the discretion of individual shows.