East Carolina Wildlife Art Festival

Washington, North Carolina

Contact: Lisa Strang 410-310-2804


About the East Carolina Wildfowl Guild 

The Guild was formed in the summer of 1993, in Washington, NC, when a group of local carvers and wildlife artists expressed an interest in sharing ideas and techniques.  The original group of approximately 15 members has now grown to over 70 members and includes many non-carver and non-artist individuals who have an interest in wildlife and its preservation.

The Guild meets monthly to present programs oriented toward skill acquisition, ranging from carving techniques to painting applications in a variety of mediums.  Additionally workshops pertaining to specific skills are offered periodically.

The Guild is dedicated to providing educational activities associated with wildlife art, conservation of wildlife resources, and preservation of the wildlife heritage that is so much a part of Eastern North Carolina.
The development of the first East Carolina Wildlife Arts Festival was a logical outgrowth of the Guild and a continuation of the Festival will only enhance the Guild and its education, conservation and preservation activities.

Purpose and Goals

  • To conserve and perpetuate wildlife arts and practices of individual hand craftsmanship native to Eastern North Carolina.
  • To bring about cooperation between all agencies and individuals interested in the conservation and development of wildlife arts.
  •  To raise and maintain standards of craftsmanship and individual expression.
  • To gather and to give instruction on methods and sources of materials.
  • To promote the education of all forms of wildlife art.