13.1 Decoys must be made of wood or cork. Bills can be made of any material.
13.2 Decoys are to be carved life-size full-bodied or silhouette.
13.3 Decoys will be judged for simplicity, durability, and practicality.
13.4 No detailed bills or carved nostrils are allowed. Slight mandible separation is permitted.
13.5 Crests and plumes must be simply carved and be of sturdy construction. No fragile parts.
13.6 Primaries may be raised if of strong design.
13.7 Painting schemes must be simplistic, such as: combing, stippling, ragging, scratching, blending, and the use of burnt cork are allowed. Elementary nostril painting is acceptable. Texturing by means of paint or paste is also allowed.
13.8 Decoys must be mounted on a detachable dowel and base for display. Base and dowel (leg) are not considered when judging.
13.9 Final judging for projection and likeness to species will be evaluated at a minimum distance of twenty feet.
13.10 IWCA Shorebird Categories (refer to Section 12.11).