24th Annual Core Sound Decoy Festival

The Core Sound Decoy Festival is right around the corner, on December 3rd and 4th.
In addition to the regular categories featured at the show, a new contest has been added this year. The Duplin County Ducks Unlimited Chapter has agreed to sponsor a carving competition at the 2011 Core Sound Decoy Festival.
The bird will be a Lesser Scaup Drake. Decoys must be carved according to IWCA Working Decoy Rules. Prize money is as follows:
- 1st place $750
- 2nd place $500
- 3rd place $250
These are purchase awards and the decoys become the property of Duplin County Ducks Unlimited. Entry fee is $25/decoy.
If you haven't already finished those birds, get cracking. Plan on heading out for the weekend or get those birds boxed up and sent out. Mail in's must be received by Wednesday, November 30, and include return postage.
You can download the 2011 rules book and entry forms here:
Visit the home page for the Core Sound show here: http://www.decoyguild.com/decoyfestival/decoycompetitions/. Or check out our show profile on this site.