Pacific Flyway Decoy Association update

My best,
Heck Rice, president

My best,
Heck Rice, president
The show features events, seminars and contests all weekend long at the Doubletree Hotel. The show features many IWCA contests as well as some contests very unique to the PFDA and the west coast. Including:
And this just scratches the surface of the events at the show. Please see the show brochure for full details.
Download and read the show brochure carefully for information regarding carver’s eligibility, rule changes, new competitions, and mail-in requirements: 2013 PFDA Show Brochure
You can also download the registration form here: 2013 PFDA registration form
Friday July 13th - Sunday July 15th
Double Tree Hotel - 2001 Point West Way, Sacramento, CA
The PFDA and IWCA would like to extend an invitation for all to attend the 42nd annual Pacific Flyway Wildfowl Art Classic. We hope that you can join in on the celebration, in the heart of California’s duck country. Whether your interests are carving, collecting, fine art, hunting, fishing, or bird watching, this year’s “Classic” will bring you closer to the world of original wildlife art.
Brad Snodgrass, Hen Red-Breasted Merganser, 2nd Best in Show Floating Decoratives
The show features events, seminars and contests all weekend long at the Doubletree Hotel. The show features many IWCA contests as well as some contests very unique to the PFDA and the west coast. Including:
And this just scratches the surface of the events at the show. Please see the show brochure for full details.
Download and read the show brochure carefully for information regarding carver’s eligibility, rule changes, new competitions, and mail-in requirements: 2012 PFDA Show Brochure
You can also download the registration form here: 2012 PFDA registration form