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News from the IWCA



Current Standings Posted - Decorative Carver of the Year (2/16/2016)

The current standings are in for the 2016 Intermediate and Novice Decorative Carver of the Year...



2016 ODCCA - Strongsville, Ohio - March 12-13 

Next up in the IWCA Affiliate Member Shows is the Ohio Decoy Collectors & Carvers Association Show held annually in Strongsville, Ohio.

Visit the ODCCA website for more show information...

Mail-ins are accepted until Monday, March 7th. Click the link below for more mail-in details...

Mail-in Entry Information

We look forward to seeing you and your entries at the show!



2016 PSWA California Open Results 

The results are in from San Diego....

Complete Results

Congratualtions to all of the winners!


East Carolina Wildlife Arts Festival - Competition Results & Photos


PSWA California Open - February 13-14 - San Diego, CA

Coming up next in the IWCA Affiliate Show lineup is the California Open held in San Diego, California on February 13 & 14.

Be sure and get your entries in!

Contact Del Herbert with any questions:  

Mail-in Entries Accepted.



East Carolina Wildlife Arts Festival - February 5th-7th - Washington, NC

East Carolina Wildlife FestivalHappy New Year from the IWCA! With the new year comes the first of the IWCA sponsored shows, the East Carolina Wildlife Arts Festival to be held on February 5-7th in Washington, NC.

Here's the link to the 2016 rules and entry form...

Mailed entries are accepted!

Mail-in entries must arrive by February 3, 2016 and must include return postage labels. For more information contact: 

Phone (252) 975-3328 E-mail:

Hope to see you and your entries there!


Core Sound Show Results Are In! 

The final show of 2015, the Core Sound Show held at Harker's Island, NC on December 5th & 6th, determined the winner of the 2015 IWCA Canvas Decoy Championsip as the hosting venue.
It also closed out the Decorative Carver of the Year Championship as the final show of the year offering decorative divisions. Points have been tallied determining the 2015 Novice and Intermediate Decorative Carvers of the year.
The Best of Show winners for all divisions of competion held at the Core Sound Show this year have also been posted. Complete results will be available on their website shortly...

2015 IWCA Novice & Intermediate Decorative Carvers of the Year

2015 Core Sound Show - Best of Show Results - All Divisions

Thank you to all of the IWCA Affiliate Member Shows and to the IWCA Members for a great year!



2015 IWCA Canvas Decoy Championship - December 5, 2015

Core Sound Decoy Festival - Host to the 2015 IWCA Canvas Decoy ChampionshipThe Core Sound Decoy Festival held in Harkers Island, NC will be host to the 2015 IWCA Canvas Decoy Championship on December 5th & 6th.

 $200 - 1st Best of Show  ~  $100 - 2nd Best of Show  ~  $50 - 3rd Best in Show

(Best in Show Awards and Ribbons for the IWCA Canvas Decoy Championship provided by the IWCA)

Contact: Dan Nicholson - 252-241-6302



Mail -in Entries Accepted



Letter from the President - IWCA - Monty Willis

From the President,

I began with the IWCA at the Virginia Beach show in 1988. That was where I first met Bob Sutton and learned of his vision for organizing the International Wildfowl Carvers Association. What can I say to the members other than, “Wow, what a vision and how it has affected each of us through the years while striving to become carvers and competitors in the carving world.” 

Thank you to all of the members, affiliate member shows, sponsors, volunteers, all of the past and present IWCA Officers for their help and commitment in making the organization what it is today. However, we cannot stop in our endeavors to make it the very best carvers organization possible.

We have gone through hard times and good times in the past years and some of the goals too often, seem very difficult to achieve. While the economic situation may be some of the reason for lower entry numbers, there are still new carvers coming in and competing in our shows. Despite these challenges, it is our responsibility to perpetuate our mission for wildfowl carving and the future!

As President, I am asking each member to contribute in any way possible, to help us attain our goals. Bringing new people into carving, supporting the shows by competing as much as you can, and contributing your ideas will help in furthering the goals for wildfowl carving. In order to continue we all will have to do as much as possible to support the IWCA Affiliate Member shows before it is too late!

Heartfelt thanks to Neal Stoneback and Gary Joe Bryan for their years of dedication in serving on the IWCA Board of Directors and for constantly promoting the IWCA.

So let’s kick off 2016 with all of the energy we can, to promote what we love and enjoy most!

Monty Willis - President IWCA


Decorative Carver of the Year - Intermediate/Novice - Update

The current standings as of October 6, 2016 have been posted and can be viewed at the following link....

Decorative Carver of the Year Update