2019 IWCA Working Decoy Championship - 9/14-9/15 - Results

The results are in for the 2019 IWCA Working Decoy Champoionship held September 14-15 at the Columbia Fyway Wildlife Show. Complete results and show photos can be found on the CFWS FB Page...
Best of Show IWCA Working Decoy Championship : Open
1st Best of Show - Wade Kelly - Arroyo Grande, CA - Mallard Drake
2nd Best of Show - Tom Matus - Kuwa, ID - Mallard Hen
3rd Best of Show - Gary Doviak - Amsterdam, NY - Scoter
Judges: Anthony Donato, Ted Smith, Doug Muldowney Recorder: Lesley Parkin
E. IWCA Working Decoy Championship : WPD Puddle Decoy: Open
1 Wade Kelly Arroyo Grande, CA Mallard Drake
2 Tom Matus Kuwa, ID Mallard Hen
3 Tom Matus Kuwa, ID Mallard Drake
E. IWCA Working Decoy Championship : WPD Puddle Decoy: Green wing Teal: Open
1 Kurt Benson Stanwood, WA GW Teal Drake
2 Grant Wisedak Lakeside, CA Green winged teal
E. IWCA Working Decoy Championship : WPD Puddle Decoy: Black Duck: Open
1 Tom Newell LaConner, WA Black duck Hen
2 Tom Newell LaConner, WA Black duck Drake
E. IWCA Working Decoy Championship : WDD Diver Decoy: Open
1 Gary Doviak Amsterdam, NY Scoter
2 Gary Joe Bryan Nashport, OH Bufflehead Drake
3 Brad Snodgrass Central Point, OR Black Scoter
E. IWCA Working Decoy Championship : WGC Goose and Confidence Decoy Brant: Open
1 Tom Newell La Conner, WA Brant
2 Gary Doviak Amsterdam, NY Brant
3 Rick Banco McKinleyville, CA Brant